How to Feed your Butterflies: A Simple Guide

You’ve got your butterflies ready for a mesmerizing release, but let’s talk about a crucial detail – feeding! When relocating these fragile creatures for hatching or moving them from triangular release envelopes into a box or display net cage, keeping them nourished ensures a vibrant and joyous experience. Here’s a user-friendly guide to butterfly feeding and care:


Top Food Picks:

  • Watermelon
  • Oranges
  • Melon or Passion Fruit
  • Gatorade
  • Vitamin Water
  • Homemade Mix: Combine nine parts water with one part sugar or honey.


Here are a few simple feeding methods for you to explore

Cotton Ball Method:

  • Soak cotton balls in any suggested liquid.
  • Place them in a shallow dish inside the box or cage.
  • Butterflies will naturally gravitate towards the cotton balls for a sip.

Net Cage Trick:

  • Brush recommended liquids onto the side of the net cage on the mesh
  • Butterflies will find and enjoy these tasty offerings.


  • Place organic, pesticide free flowers inside the box.
  • Uncertain if free of pesticides or chemicals? Stick to the foolproof cotton ball or net cage methods. 

With these simple feeding techniques, you’re not just releasing butterflies – you’re offering them a feast and ensuring a lively, magical flight. Happy feeding and enjoy the enchantment! 🦋✨

Feeding Timeline/Release:

We recommend feeding the butterflies as soon as they arrive of within 48 hours of shipping (if applicable)

Once your butterflies arrive, within 48 hours of shipping from any of our locations, we recommend releasing them in an enclosure and feeding them. These instructions are part of the release process and care guidelines to ensure the well-being of your butterflies. Please note that this may result in a mass release of butterflies. While we aim to accommodate individual releases, this is not always possible due to feeding requirements, shipping duration, schedules, methods selected, order placement timing and other variables. If you require a single release, please email our team well in advance at to see if we can accommodate your specific request.


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