Dedicating a Butterfly Release

In circumstances where having an in-person butterfly release isn’t feasible, whether you are out of the country or you require a more cost effective option, no matter where you are in the world, a dedicated butterfly release is the perfect solution. Upon your purchase, we will specifically raise butterflies to be released by our team in a ceremony celebrating your special event. 

Whether it’s for a birthday, new birth, wedding, anniversary, memorial service, funeral, or simply to support butterfly repopulation, we will read out your special dedication message, catered to your liking, when releasing these majestic creatures into the wild. All dedicated butterfly release ceremonies include a commemorative picture, although a video can be recorded as an additional option. 

There are a multitude of benefits to selecting a dedicated butterfly release. Not only are butterflies serene in their nature, they are also pollinators, just like bees, and play a critical role in preserving our ecosystem. Whether released to celebrate a wedding, memorialize a loved one, or simply to support repopulation, the experience is one that will stay with you for a lifetime! Click here to learn about dedicating a butterfly for release products initiatives contributing to the revitalization of these captivating insects!

One Response

  1. We did this earlier this year! Thank you so much for also adding more butterflies for release, thank you for your wonderful service!!

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