How do I fold the large and small net cages for storage?

Folding a butterfly net cage for storage is simple, especially with pop-up-style cages. For long-term use, we recommend collapsing the net and closing it flat as shown in the image on the right hand side. This method minimizes stress on the wires and components.


Otherwise should you wish to collapse it and fold it please see the steps below:

  1. Empty the Cage: Ensure there are no butterflies or insects inside during this process.
  2. Hold Opposite Sides: Grab opposite edges of the cage and gently press them together to flatten it.
  3. Twist into a Figure-Eight Shape: While holding the flattened cage, twist it into a figure-eight shape by gently turning your hands in opposite directions.
  4. Fold in Half: Fold the figure-eight shape in half, bringing the two loops together. This should cause the cage to collapse into a smaller circle.
  5. Secure with a Band: If needed, secure the folded cage with an elastic band to keep it compact.
  6. Store in a Cool, Dry Place: Place the folded cage in a storage bag or box to keep it clean and ready for future use.


Most net cages are designed to collapse this way, but if you encounter resistance, avoid forcing it, as it could damage the frame.


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