#!trpst#trp-gettext data-trpgettextoriginal=9#!trpen#Description#!trpst#/trp-gettext#!trpen#
Each package includes approximately 50 common Milkweed Seeds (Asclepias Syriaca). Milkweed is the only source of food and sustenance for monarch caterpillars. By planting these seeds, you will attract butterflies to your garden! You will also be providing a rest stop and nectar for butterflies. This is the only plant monarch butterflies will lay their eggs on so it is imperative we all plant as much as possible.
All seeds have been processed through cold stratification and are ready to be planted. See our Online Blog for the Planting Instructions for Milkweed Seeds. We also have our Online Blog and FAQ page for more detailed information.
In the interest of meeting our initiative goals, we offer these seeds for free, we only ask that you cover the cost of shipping. This program is donor-supported, and through your contributions, we can continue to make these invaluable seeds available to the public. Please donate generously!