How to check total costs including shipping and taxes for your order

To obtain an accurate cost estimate for your order, including shipping and taxes, kindly follow the steps outlined below. Please be aware that our staff cannot provide precise quotes via email or the phone due to variations in your order selections, quantities, chosen shipping methods, and other factors, all of which may impact the overall cost.

Step 1: Type in your search bar

Step 2: On the toolbar, press “Shop

Step 3: Select the product or service that you are interested in.

Step 4: You will be automatically redirected to the ordering page. The ordering page is where you can specify the desired quantity you desire and include additional add ons, preferred dates/timelines and other options if applicable.

Step 5: Some products require a minimum quantity for processing. Unfortunately, we cannot fulfill orders with smaller quantities due to packaging and shipping expenses.

Optional: Add a Small Net Cage or Large Net Cage to your order if applicable. Net cages are optional but highly recommended. If you already have one or don’t need one, please leave the corresponding section blank.

Step 6: Once added to your cart, you should get a pop up window to check out or view the cart. Press “check out” and you will automatically be taken to the checkout page.

If you would like to continue shopping, close the pop up and continue shopping on our website. You can always access your cart and the checkout page through the button in the top right corner labeled “Checkout”.

Step 7: On the checkout page, you can choose to make a contribution, enter your billing and shipping details and place your order. Fill out all the required information. Once you enter your billing and shipping information you will be able to select the shipping method which are Expedited or XpressPost Shipping (guarantee of livestock not included) or XpressPost or Priority shipping (guarantee of livestock) We highly recommend opting for the quickest shipping options to ensure a shorter shipping duration. The shipping methods from slowest to fastest are:

  1. Expedited Shipping (slowest)
  2. XpressPost Shipping
  3. Priority Shipping (Fastest)

Please note that we exclusively utilize Canada Post for shipping, except in rare instances, we may employ a third-party shipper when utilizing alternative sources to meet your order requirements when possible. Shipping times may vary depending on your location, and you can verify the shipping timeline through the Canada Post by Clicking Here.

Step 8: Once you choose the shipping method, you will be able to view the overall cost, inclusive of taxes and shipping. If desired, you can add, remove, or make adjustments to your online cart to meet your needs. To continue to place an order select your method of payment (Email Transfer, Credit Card, Debit Card, Cheque, PayPal and other options that are listed). Or simply close the page if you do not wish to proceed with an order.

Step 9: If you have placed the order and paid for it please check your email for confirmation of your order. If you did not receive an email confirmation, check your spam or junk folders. If you still cannot find an email from us, please email us at with an alternative email for you. As your email may have blocked our emails sent to you based on your settings and security. This is more common with organizations emails such as schools. Simply provide us an email where we can forward you this information.

Thank you for your order. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team by email at for any questions or concerns you may have.

Check out our Blog Post on, “What happens after I place my order for the Painted Lady Kit?” This blog post includes helpful information on the process of how we process your order and ship it.

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